
The main objective of the questionnaire below is to get direct feedback from wastewater treatment service providers about the market opportunities for the art-ICA controllers in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The second objective is to analyse their degree of suitability at plant-level.

The questionnaire is meant for WWTPs that have a treatment capacity higher than a 20,000 population equivalent and that have a plug-flow configuration with a denitrification-nitrification process and internal recirculation in their secondary treatment.

The questionnaire is intended for plant operators, plant operator supervisors and managers of the operation of several plants.

The questionnaire contains 30 questions (Q) that have been grouped into six sections:

  1. Profile of the person surveyed (2 questions)
  2. General characteristics of the WWTP (6 questions)
  3. Characteristics of the WWTP’s energy management (6 questions)
  4. Characteristics of the WWTP’s secondary treatment (5 questions)
  5. Characteristics of the WWTP’s instrumentation and control (8 questions)
  6. Additional information (3 questions)

The estimated time for filling in the questionnaire is 5 minutes.

1. Profile of the person surveyed

Q1. What is your position at the WWTP?

Q2. Is your company the owner of the plant or it is an operating company?

2. General characteristics of the WWTP

Q3. Location of the WWTP (country)

Q4. Name of the WWTP

Q5. Type of wastewater that the WWTP treats

Q6. If the answer to Q5 is urban and industrial, what percentage is industrial? Unit: %

Q7. Size of the WWTP. Unit: Population-Equivalent (PE) (e.g., 20,000)

Q8. Is the WWTP in a sensitive zone?

3. Characteristics of the WWTP’s energy management

Q9. What priority level does energy management have at the WWTP?

Q10. Do (internal or external) energy efficiency audits take place?

Q11. Does the WWTP have ISO 50001 (related to energy management) certification?

Q12. If the answer to Q9 is "No", do you plan you get it?

Q13. What is the WWTP’s energy consumption? Unit: kWh/year

Q14. What percentage of the energy consumption is associated with the secondary treatment? Units: %

4. Characteristics of the secondary treatment

Q15. What type of biological process does the WWTP have?

Q16. If the answer to Q15 is “Others", which one?

Q17. Select the indicators that you use to monitor the efficiency of the secondary treatment
€ / m3 treated water    kWh / m3 treated water    m3 Air / m3 treated water   Decrease of effluent NO3
€ / kg removed COD     kWh / kg removed COD    m3 Air / kg removed COD    COD removal efficiency
€ / kg removed NH4     kWh / kg removed NH4     m3 Air / kg removed NH4    NH4 removal efficiency
€ / kg removed Total NkWh / kg removed Total Nm3 Air / kg removed Total NTotal N removal efficiency

Other indicators:

Q18. How are the indicators you chose in Q17 calculated and visualized?

Q19. If you were to improve the secondary treatment, what objective would you like to meet?

5. Characteristics of the WWTP’s instrumentation and control

Q20. Does the WWTP have on-line ammoniacal nitrogen meters?

Q21. If the answer to Q20 is "Yes": what type of on-line meters?

Q22. If the answer to Q20 is "Yes": are the on-line measurements of ammoniacal nitrogen used for control?

Q23. Does the WWTP have on-line nitrate meters?

Q24. If the answer to Q23 is "Yes": what type of on-line meters?

Q25. If the answer to Q23 is "Yes": are the on-line measurements of nitrates used for control?

Q26. Does the WWTP have on-line suspended solids meters in the bioreactors?

Q27. If the answer to Q26 is "Yes": are the on-line measurements of suspended solids used for control?

6. Additional information

Q28. Would you like to receive more information about art-ICA control (

Q29. If the answer to Q28 is “Yes”, please provide your email so we can contact you:

Q30. If you wish, you can add additional information here: